Track 1:

Science, Humanities and Management
Crystal Growth & Analysis, Polymers, Molecular Docking, Nano- and NLO- Materials, Semiconducting, Magnetic & Super-Conducting Materials, Energy Storage Materials, Thin Films, Stochastic Process, Mathematical modelling, Graph Theory, Algebra and Topology, Communication Skills, Personality Development, Soft Skills, Research Methodology, Service Marketing, Innovations & Ethics in Management, Human Values and Behavioural Sciences. 

Track 2:

 Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Instrumentation and Biomedical
Electric Vehicle System, Micro Grid & Smart Grid, Renewable Energy Systems, Embedded Systems, Microwave, Optical and Wireless Communications, Innovative Antennas, Advanced VLSI and Nanotechnology, Wireless Network Security and Privacy, 5G and Beyond, Remote Sensing, Scientific Imaging, Advanced Signal Processing, Control and Instrumentation, Biomechanics and Medical Devices, Implantation, Medical Imaging, Healthcare, Interoperability in Medical Systems, Framework on Health Monitoring. 

Track 3: 

 Civil, Mechanical, Automobile and Robotics
Green Building Materials & Technology, Geo-Technical Engineering, Smart Roads, Manufacturing Processes & Technology, Metallurgical Engineering, Design Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Materials Science, Industrial Engineering, CAD-CAM, Solar based Technologies, Non-pneumatic Tires, Nitro Shock Absorbers, Dynamics of Vehicles, Ultrasonic Welding, Six-sigma, Kinematics, Composite Materials, Nano-technology, Robotics and automation. 

Track 4: 

 Information and Computing Technologies
AI Algorithms and Tools, Networking and Connectivity, Computer Vision, Digital Image Processing, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, IoT-enabled Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Business value through Data Fabric, Machine Learning and Applications, Deep Learning, Big Data Analytics.

The papers are solicited on the contents of the tracks, but not limited to the above. The paper should be submitted to              

All registered papers will be included in the ISBN-assigned conference proceedings with a soft copy to corresponding author.
Selected papers will be recommended for publication in ICT Academy journals and other Scopus-indexed journals based on plagiarism and page charge requirements of the journals.

A pre-conference technical seminar/webinar will be conducted before the start of the conference paper presentation session in all tracks by an eminent person from academics, industry, or research organization on an emerging area of research.

Guidelines to Author

Paper should be in MS word format with single-line spaced TNR 12 fonts while the title should be in 18 bold TNR. The Title page should include name(s) of author(s), affiliation and email of corresponding author. At the end of manuscript, a declartion should be included stating that the paper is authors’ original work and is not under consideration by any conference or journal. Single column format and 1-inch margin on all sides. Length of paper should not exceed 8 pages. Sub-headings including abstract (150 words) and references (max.10) should be left aligned. Maximum of five keywords Equations, images, figures, photographs and tables must be clear and legible with relevant brief captions. Authors must check grammatical errors before submission