Webinar | Webinar | 12.03.2024 | SupervisedLearning inAI&ML |
Webinar | Webinar | 21.02.2024 | Optical Communication |
Webinar | Webinar | 14.9.2024 | RFFilterDesign |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | Workshop | 03/04/2023 | CHANGEMAKERS |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | AwarenessProgram | 19/10/2023 | Entrepreneurship AwarenessProgram |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | AwarenessProgram | 22/08/2023 | Entrepreneurship AwarenessProgram |
ProjectExpo | | 31/10/2023 | LoyolaBazaar |
ProjectExpo | | | LoyolaBazaar |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | AwarenessProgram | 17/03/2023 | Entrepreneurship AwarenessProgram |
IdeaPitching | IdeaPitching | 28/07/2023 | Startuptamizh |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | AwarenessProgram | 17/02/2024 | Entrepreneurship AwarenessProgram |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | Seminar | 29/01/2024 | Emergingleadership &Entrepreneurship training |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | Seminar | 16/02/2024 | RUSA Sponsored StartupCafe |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | AwarenessProgram | 20/02/2023 | Entrepreneurship AwarenessProgram |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | AwarenessProgram | 07/03/2024 | Entrepreneurship AwarenessProgram |
Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCell | AwarenessProgram | 22/03/2022 | Entrepreneurship AwarenessProgram |
ProjectExpo | | 25/5/2022 | LoyolaBazaar |
FDP | FDP | | |
Conference-IBM | International Conference | | |
Technical | | 23.10.2024 | YavarumKelir |
NATIONAL | Workshop | 26.10.2024 | AcceleratingJournal Publications |
NATIONAL | FDP | 19/02/2024to 15/03/2024 | 4 week technology based |
NATIONAL | FDP | (1Month) | Entrepreneurship programme–Idea to enterprise |
NATIONAL | FDP | 19/02/2024to 18/03/2024 (1Month) | Women Entrepreneurship Developement Program |
NATIONAL | FDP | 07/01/2024to 08/01/2024(2days) | GlobalInvestors Meet |
NATIONAL | CONFERENCE | 01/12/23 | IIC-Regionalmeet at Crescent University |
NATIONAL | ATALFDP | 6 Days | IoTinHealthcare: Transforming Patientcareand management |
NATIONAL | FDP | 15th&16thMay2020 (2 days) | MicrostripAntennas for Advanced Wireless Communication |
NATIONAL | Webinar | May2020 | BigDataandAI |
NATIONAL | FDP | 24-27April2020 (4Days) | Digital Image Processingusing MATLAB |
NATIONAL | FDP | 1-14thMay2020(14 days) | AdvancedImage Processing Techniques |
NATIONAL | Webinar | 20May 2020 | Deep Learning in Telecommunication |
NATIONAL | Training | 22Feb2022 | National Intellectual PropertyAwareness Mission |
NATIONALAICTE-ISTE | FDP | 3-8thMay2021(6days) | Next GenerationWireless Communication 5G &Beyond |
NATIONAL | Workshop | 14July 2022 | NPTELE-Awareness |
NATIONAL | Awareness | 31.10.2022 | NPTELE-Awareness |
NATIONAL | FTP | 1-11Feb2023(10days) | Cyber Security Global Hacktivism,Defence Mechanism and DigitalForensics |
NATIONAL-ISDE | Webinar | 26.10.2022 | SWOCAnalysisin Educational Institutions |
NATIONALAICTE- | FDP | 31.10.2022to 04.11.2022(5days) | InculcatingHuman ValuesinTechnical Education |
NATIONAL–CEOSIIRS | WGCapDWebinar Series | 19.05.2020to 9.06.2020(21 Days) | RemoteSensingin Crop Monitoring andAssessment |
NATIONAL | Webinar | 27.07.2020 | EthicalHacking |
NATIONAL | Training | 02.05.2020 | Web-basedTraining on Virtual Classroom |
NATIONAL | Webinar | 07.05.2020 | InsightsofAmateur Radio & Robotics |
NATIONAL | Webinar | 01.07.2020to 05.07.2020 | GlobalSummit 2020 |
NATIONAL | FTP | 26.07.2021to 30.07.2021(5days) | Routing&Switching in Data Communication & Networking |
NATIONALAIIRF-EDII | Webinar | 27.10.2021to 29.10.2021(3Days) | IntellectualProperty Rights |
NATIONAL | Webinar | 18.04.2020 | Digital Transformationin Enterprise |
NATIONAL | Webinar | 17.04.2020 | DesignThinking |
NATIONAL | Webinar | 16.04.2020 | Cybersecurity Essentials |
NATIONAL | Summit | 20.08.2021& 21.08.2021 | NationalCyber DefenceSummit |
NATIONAL | FDP | 24.09.2021to 26.09.2021(3Days) | Citation Managementin ScholarlyWriting |
NATIONAL | Webinar | 28.05.2020 | NetworkSecurity |
NATIONAL | WebinarSeries | 06.08.2020 | Cyber security Challenges and Oppurtunitiesfor Autonomous Vehicle |