Faculty Details

Field Details
Name Dr. P. Seenikannan
Designation Principal
Qualification B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D.MISTE,MISHRAE,MIE
Department Mechanical Engineering
AICTE Faculty ID 13545232616
AU Faculty ID 9537135
Area of Interest Thermal Sciences
Official Email
Date of Joining 03/10/2024
Teaching Experience 32 Years


B.EMechanical Engineering1990National Engineering CollegeMadurai Kamaraj University
M.EThermalScience - Energy Engineering1993College of Engineering, GuindyAnna University
Ph.DInternal Combustion Engines2008Anna University

Courses Handled

8M4/PROJECTENGINEERING2001-2002Mechanical Engineering
8M4/PROJECTENGINEERING2002-2003Mechanical Engineering
7M4/AUTOMOBILEENGINEERING2002-2003Mechanical Engineering
7M4/AUTOMOBILEENGINEERING2003-2004Mechanical Engineering
8M4/PROJECTENGINEERING2003-2004Mechanical Engineering
GE1131/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2004-2005Mechanical Engineering
ME 437/AUTOMOBILEENGINEERING2004-2005Mechanical Engineering
GE1X01/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2006-2007Mechanical Engineering
ME 437/AUTOMOBILEENGINEERING2006-2007Mechanical Engineering
ME 15/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2008-2009Mechanical Engineering
ME 15/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2010-2011Mechanical Engineering
GE2111/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2011-2012Mechanical Engineering
01UME107/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2012-2013Mechanical Engineering
14UME105/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2013-2014Mechanical Engineering
14UME108/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2014-2015Mechanical Engineering
14UME108/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2015-2016Mechanical Engineering
15UME108/ENGINEERINGGRAPHICS2016-2017Mechanical Engineering
Operations Research1990-1991Mechanical Engineering
ResourceManagementTechniques1990-1991Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics of solids1992-1993Mechanical Engineering
Theory of Machines1993-1994Mechanical Engineering
ProductionTechnology-I1993-1994Mechanical Engineering
ThermalEngineering-I1993-1994Mechanical Engineering
Theoryof Machines1993-1994Mechanical Engineering
ProductionTechnology-I1994-1995Mechanical Engineering
ThermalEngineering-II1994-1995Mechanical Engineering
Thermodynamics1994-1995Mechanical Engineering
Energy Engineering and management1995-1996Mechanical Engineering
Basic civil and Mechanical Engineering1995-1996Mechanical Engineering
PowerplantEngineering1996-1997Mechanical Engineering
HeatandMass transfer1996-1997Mechanical Engineering
Operations Research1997-1998Mechanical Engineering
Design of Transmission Systems1997-1998Mechanical Engineering
Workshop Technology1997-1998Mechanical Engineering
Statics and Dynamics1998-1999Mechanical Engineering
Fluid Mechanics and hydraulicsystems1999-2000Mechanical Engineering
Design of transmission systems1999-2000Mechanical Engineering


  1. SeeniKannanP,(2007),‘AdesignstrategyforVolumetricEfficiencyImprovementin a Multi cylinder Stationary Diesel Engine and its Validity under Transient engine operation’, PaperpublishedintheInternationalAmerican Journalof AppliedSciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 189-196, ISSN 1546-9239.(SCI)
  2. SeeniKannanP,(2007),‘Simulationofthemulticylinderstationarydieselengineand its validity under transient engine operation including newly developed exhaust system’, Paper published in the International Engineering Technology Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 025-035.(SCI)
  3. Seeni Kannan P.,(2008),‘Modeling and Simulation Design of a Modified y-section exhaust manifold to improve transient performance of a low-speed six cylinder diesel engine’, Paperpublishedin the InternationalICFAIJournal ofScience andTechnology, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 55-72, ISSN 0973-2268.
  4. Seeni Kannan P., (2008), ‘A Design Strategy for six Cylinder Stationary Diesel Engine Exhaust Systems’, Paper published in the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Slovakia, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 13-26, ISSN 0039-2472.
  5. Seeni Kannan P., (2008) Periasamy ‘An experimental Analysis of a Y section exhaust manifoldsystemwithimprovedengineperformance’,InternationalJournalofProduct Development, Vol.6, No. 1, pp. 50-56, ISSN 1477-9056.
  6. Seeni Kannan P., Pitchayyapillai, (2012), ‘Numerical Simulation of Casting Solidification by Boundary Element method’, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E), Vol.6 N.6, ISSN 1970-8734 September 2012.pp.1192-1197.
  7. ,KanthavelkumaranN(2012),‘RecentTrendsandApplicationsofBio Diesel’,InternationalJournalofEngineeringResearchandApplications,Vol.2,Issue6,pp.197-203.ISSN:2248-9622.IF:6.465
  1. Seeni Kannan P.,Kanthavelkumaran N(2012), ‘A Study of Emission Reduction from ALightDutyVehicleFuelledWithBiofuel(VegetableOil)’,NationalJournalofAdvances in Building Sciences and Mechanics, Vol. 3 No 2, pp. 01 – 06. ISSN: 0975-7317
  2. Seeni Kannan P., Kanthavelkumaran N, (2013), ‘Bio Fuel Strategies in India – Fundamental Study’, International Journal of Engineering Science & Research Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 66 – 73. ISSN: 2277-9655.
  1. Seeni Kannan P., Bibin (2013), Study On Waste Heat Recovery In An Internal Combustion Engine, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012, pp.1-4.
  2. Seeni Kannan P., Bibin (2013), Experimental Analysis of Energy Recovery from an Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust using Rankine cycle, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 768 (2013) © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/, pp 158-163. ISSN1662-8985
  3. Seeni Kannan P., Kanthavelkumaran N(2013), “Case Study of Emission Reduction fromaMobileVehicleFuelledwithVegetableOil”ResearchJournalofAppliedSciences, EngineeringandTechnology, 6(15):2886-2890,ISSN(Online):2040-7467,ISSN (Print):2040-7459.
  1. KanthavelkumaranN,(2013),‘ExperimentalStudiesonPerformance andEmissionAnalysisinDieselEngineUsingBio-Fuel(NeemOil)’,AdvancedMaterials Research, Vol. 768, pp. 255-261.ISSN: 1662-8985(SCI)
  2. Seeni Kannan P., Kanthavelkumaran N, Bibin C, (2013), ‘Investigational Study and ManagethePoisonousEmissionsinICEnginesbyNanoMaterials.LifeScienceJournal, Vol. 10(3), pp102-107. (ISSN:1097-8135).IF : 6.1
  3. Seeni Kannan P., Pitchayyapillai, (2014), ‘A Finite element method based analysis of casting solidification on permanent metallic models’, Pensee Journal, Vol.76 No.1, January 2014.pp.432-441.(SCI)
  4. Seeni Kannan P., Ezhilan M., (2014), ‘Optimization of Mchx using CFD and Refrigeration cycle simulator’, Advanced materials Research vols. 984-985, pp.1163- 1173. ISSN: 1662-8985
  5. Seeni kannan P., Ganesan, C. Kailasanathan,(2014) Experimental Investigation Of Performance and Emission Of Single Cylinder diesel Engine Operating on Diesel Blended with Nano Particles, International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.8, N.4, ISSN 1970-8734, July 2014, pp 709-713.(SCI)
  6. Seeni kannan P., BiBin. C, (2014) Thermal Analysis of Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery From Diesel Engines, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 9 No.26 (2014) pp. 9412-9415, ISSN 0973-4562
  7. Seeni Kannan P. Kanthavelkumaran N, (2014), ‘Biofuel (Cooking Oil) Blends ContributioninDIDieselEngine–Performance&EmissionStudy’,AdvancedMaterials Research, Vols. 984-985, pp. 839-844.ISSN: 1662-8985(SCI)
  1. Seeni Kannan P., Sivakumar, R.Ananda Kumar, Dr.C.Kailashnathan (2015), ‘Performance Analysis of Solar Still Using Cowdung Cakes Mixed With Coirpith’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 19 (2015), pp.14445-14449. ISSN 0973-4562
  2. Seeni KannanP., Sango, S L, Vettivel, S C, (2015), ‘Effects ofMoisture Content andDie Pressure on Artocarpus Heterophyllus Leaves Powder Biomass Processing’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, no. 8, 2015, pp. 6170–6173.(SCI)
  1. Seeni Kannan P., Kanthavelkumaran N, Kumaresh E, (2015), ‘Measuring and Controlling the Exhaust Emission from DI Diesel Engine Using Biofuel as an EnvironmentFuel’,MeasurementandControl,DOI:10.1177/0020294014565636,vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 313-319, ISSN: 0020-2940.(SCI)
  2. Seeni Kannan P., Kanthavelkumaran N, Kumaresh E, (2015), ‘Global Impact and Gaseous Emissions of Ethanol Bio-Diesel Blended Fuel in Diesel Engine’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), vol. 10, no. 28, pp. 21872-21876. ISSN 0973-4562
  3. Seeni kannan P., AP Mohan Raj, C Kailasanathan, (2016) Influence of carbon content on Workability and Density ratio of Sintered Iron Based Composites, International Journal of ChemTech Research 6 (11) Page 4777-4781, ISSN: 0974 -4290
  4. Seeni Kannan P., Subramonia Pillai, N, Suresh, S, (2016), ‘Experimental Investigation on Emission Characteristics of Variable Compression Ratio CI Engine Fuelled by Combined Biodiesel’, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities,vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1419-1429, ISSN:2249-7315 .(SCI)
  5. Seeni Kannan P., Subramonia pillai, N (2016),‘Effect of additives on low emission characteristics of a DI CI engine fueled with rubber seed biodiesel’, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, vol.7, no.2, pp. 1182-1187, ISSN:0976- 3945.(SCI)
  6. Seeni Kannan, P., Sango, S L, R.Smitha and Christopher Ezhil Singh, S, (2016), ‘Densification Characteristics and Mechanical Behavior of Artocarphus Heterophyllus Leaves Powder’, Asian Journal of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities (Category:Scienceand Technology),Vol.6,No.9,2016,pp.1359-1370.ISSN:2249-7315
  1. Seeni Kannan P., Sango, S L, Suresh, S, Vettivel, S CandChristopherS, (2016), ‘Effects of Moisture Content and Die Pressure of Artocarphus Heterophyllus Leaves Powder BiomassProcessingbyusingResponseSurfacemethodology’,AsianJournalof
ResearchinSocialSciencesandHumanities,ISSN2249-7315,Vol.6,No.12,December 2016, pp. 731-742.(SCI)
  1. Seeni Kannan P., Ezhilan, M (2016), ‘Experimental and CFD simulation analysis of microchannel heat exchanger to improve the pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics using R410A’, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology,vol.7, no.2, pp.789-892. ISSN: 2456-7655
  2. Seeni Kannan P., Kanthavelkumaran N, Kumaresh E, (2016), ‘Exhaust Measurement and Emission Control – Biodiesel Involvement in Diesel Engine’, AUTOMATIKA – ISSN 1848-3380, Vol.57(2), 532–539
  3. Seeni Kannan P., Kanthavelkumaran N, (2016), ‘Exhaust Emission and Performance Analysis on Diesel Engine – Biofuel (RSO) and its Diesel Blends’, 978-1-4673-9925- 8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE.(SCI)
  4. ,GanesanT,(2016)‘ExperimentalInvestigationofHeatTransferRate for Automobiles Using Natural Preservative’, The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge, Vol 4 Issue 6,pp.38 -48ISSN 2321 – 919X,IF: 0.981
  5. Seeni Kannan P., Ganesan T, (2016) ‘Heat transfer enhancement using hybrid nano fluids (al2o3 with mwcnt) in a car radiator’, Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao, v.22,spl.2,pp.285 -301ISSN 1413-9936(SCI) ,IF: 0.237
  6. ,G.PitchayyaPillai,K.Raja,K.Chandrasekaran,(2016)‘Al6061Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced with Alumina and Molybdenum Disulphide’, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, Article ID 6127624, pp.1-9. doi: ISSN:1687-8434
  7. Seeni Kannan P., Sivakumar, R. Anandakumar, C. Kailasanathan, (2016) Experimental Analysis of Solar Still using different Thermal Energy Storage Materials, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 1688- 1702. ISSN : 2249-7315. DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01122.9
  8. Seeni Kannan P., , Ganesan T, (2016) ‘Effect of Al2O3 Nano fluids with citrus limonum juice on heat transfer rate in automobile radiators’, International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA), Volume – 01, Issue – 03, pp. 86-102, ISSN: 2455-7137
  9. Seeni Kannan P., Pitchayya Pillai,Narayanasamy, (2017), ‘Effect of Nano Silver on Microstructure,MechanicalandTribological PropertiesofCastAluminum6061Alloy’, TransactionsofNonferrousMetalsSocietyofChina,Volume27,Issue10,October2017, Pages2137-2145,.,ISSN1003-6326.IF4.5.
  1. ,Subramoniapillai,N(2017),‘MeasurementandControlEmissions from Diesel Engine Operated by Biodiesel with Bio additives of Mentha piperita’, MeasurementandControl,2017,Vol.50(2)Pages31–38., 1.704
  1. Seeni Kannan P., Subramonia pillai, N (2017),‘ Optimization of transesterification of biodiesel using green catalyst derived from Albizia Lebbeck Pods by mixture design’, Renewable Energy,2017, vol. 104, issue C, pages 185-196. ISSN 0960-1481 DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2016.12.035.Elesivier(SCI)IF: 8.63
  2. Seeni Kannan P., Thangasamy Ganesan, (2018)‘ ‘Heat Transfer Enhancement Nano Fluids in a Car Radiator’ Materials and technology, ISSN 1580-2949, Vol.52, No.4, pp.57 to 62.IF: 0.714
  3. Seeni Kannan P., Ganesan T, (2018), ‘Performance analysis of automotive cooling system using Nano fluids’, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.24, No.2, pp.168-185ISSN 1310-4772(SCI)
  4. Seeni kannan.P.,JeyaRaj, (2018)‘PerformanceAnalysis of VCR Enginefueled with Neem Oiland Various Spices UsingAnova Technique’Journalofthe Chinese Societyof Mechanical Engineers, Vol.39, No.3, pp.397 to 406. ISSN:0257-9731IF: 0.234
  5. Seeni kannan.P., Chidambaranathan Bibin., P.K. Devan (2019) ‘Performance and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine using diestrol blends and diesel as fuel’ International journal ofEnterprise Network Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp 91-108 (Dt:27-6-2019 ), DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2019.100485,ISBN: 1748-1252IF: 0.19
  6. Seeni kannan.P., C,(2020) published a paper titled ‘Performance, Emission,andCombustionCharacteristicsofadirectinjectionDieselengineusingblends ofPunnaioilBiodieselandDieselasfuel’,THERMALSCIENCE,vol.24,No.1A,pp13-25, DOI,ISSN 0354-9836,(SCI)IF: 1.625
  7. P.,Bibin.C,(2021)publishedapapertitled‘PerformanceandEmission StudyonDieselEngineusingBiofuelasSubstitutewithRSM’, InternationalJournalfor ResearchinEngineeringApplication&Management(IJREAM),vol.7,Issue01,pp157- 170, ISSN : 2454-9150,DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2021.0157, ,IF: 7.427
  8. Seeni kannan.P., Senthil Maharaj PSR., (2023) published a paper titled ‘An investigation on mechanical properties of 3D pen fused zones for additive manufactured parts’ Engineering Solid Mechanics, Vol 11, page 263-270. ISSN 2291- 8744, homepage:

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Events Organized

NationalFTP20/09/2021to 24/09/2021Challenges and opportunities for research inmechanicalengineering: Present and future
NationalFTP19/07/2021to 26/07/2021Metrologyand Measurement
NationalFTP20/04/2020to 24/04/2020Season–2 Webinar on the theme leadinginaVUCAworld
NationalFTP27/04/2020to 01/05/2020Season–3 THEFUTUREISHERE NOW
NationalFTP25/05/2020to 29/05/2020Scanning Electron MicroscopyandX-Ray Diffractrometer
NationalFTP06/06/2020NIRF (National InstitutionalRanking Framework)
NationalFTP11/06/2020Outcomebasededucation software
NationalFTP28/05/2020CFD Simulation of thermalmanagementof batteries and power converters
NationalFTP15/05/2020to 21/05/2020EngineeringGraphics


ISTE(IndiansocietyforTechnicalEducation)LM 31121Life Member
ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heating, RefrigeratingandAirConditioningEngineers)55899Member