The women’s forum of Loyola Institute of Technology takes care of women’s interests and provides counseling assistance to women students and faculty. The forum celebrates Women’s Day every year on the 8th of March.

A campus monitoring flying squad of 5 or 6 persons is formed with the Principal/Faculty Members/Physical Education director of the college with two student representatives.

The roles of the campus monitoring squad are

  • To check the hostel and campus for /unlawful stays etc.
  • The faculty members shall do camping operations in the campus to detect anti-social elements and unlawful activities.
  • Principal and Deputy Wardens shall make surprise inspection in the campus, to make sure the safety and security of the students.


  • Mr. M.D. Hameed – EEE Department

Co co-ordinators

  • Mr.D.Prabhu – IT Department
  • Mr. M.Sathish Kumar – CIVIL Department
  • Mr. R.Naveen Kumar – MECH Department
  • Mr. A.Mahadevan – ECE Department