To be a world class institution in creating and disseminating knowledge through a contemporary and rigorous educational experience that facilitates our students to be technologically competent and ethically strong to serve the society for the betterment of mankind.
We, at Loyola Institute of Technology dedicate and commit ourselves to:
- Achieve, sustain and foster unmatched excellence in Technical Education
- Provide an intellectually inspiring environment for creative learning and research
- Collaborate with industry, and research and development organizations to promote innovative research, employability and entrepreneurship for nation building
- Inculcate high regard for ethical practices and understanding human values.
- STG 01: Improving the research experience of faculty and students
- STG 02: Acquire quality accreditation certification from recognized bodies.
- STG 03: Stimulate the intellectual and administrative leadership qualities of our faculty and create a highly competent talent bank
- STG 04: Promote collaborative initiatives with Alumni, Academia, Industry and Parents.
- STG 05: Partnerships with outstanding professional agencies to certify and add value to students
- LTG 01: Launch new centres of excellence for multi disciplinary research Establish skill development and community activity centre for nearby villages
- LTG 02: International alliance and collaborative initiatives for global excellence
- LTG 03: Establish design / incubation centre and testing laboratories
- LTG 04: Promote collaborative initiatives with Alumni, Academia, Industry and Parents.
- LTG 05: Best practices of other standard foreign Universities to be included to elevate the academic standards of the Faculty and the student